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Regional solutions for growing quality green jobs

Recommendations and Actions for Regional Leaders

Defining Action Areas

The action areas below are designed to help leaders strengthen efforts to develop quality green jobs. Whether the data categorize your region as Critical, Primed, Exposed, or Early (Assess Your Region), you’ll find customized recommendations that prioritize your next steps in four areas:

  • Partnerships and cross-sector collaborations
    Develop or enhance partnerships and cross-sector collaborations across a wide variety of key players, including employers, workforce development boards, high schools, colleges, and community-based organizations.  
  • Awareness and expertise
    Build or strengthen awareness of the importance of growing green jobs and their significance to the region’s environmental and economic well-being, and bolster climate expertise to better shape regional policy and action. 
  • Job access and quality
    Expand access for workers underrepresented in green sectors into training programs and green jobs that offer a living wage, comprehensive benefits, economic advancement, and essential support services. 
  • Funding and sustainability 
    Identify resources, direct capital, and build capacity to seed, expand, and sustain quality green job initiatives, including flexible funds to meet both short-term and long-term regional needs. 

Critical Critical

High risk, high readiness 

These regions face severe risks in terms of weather and social vulnerability but are relatively well prepared to take action. Communities in these regions may be eager to take significant action to bolster economic and environmental resilience through the continued emergence of green jobs and infrastructure.

Primed Primed 

Low risk, high readiness 

These regions face less risk than others, but they are nevertheless relatively well prepared to take action. Communities in these regions may not have as much need to navigate the extreme weather impacts or the deep social vulnerability challenges of a changing climate, but they’ve made significant progress in expanding access to green jobs and have strong political support to continue building an emerging green economy. 

Exposed Exposed 

High risk, low readiness 

These regions face severe risks and might be unprepared to take action. There’s an urgent need for leaders to work collaboratively to promote environmental and economic resilience. 

Early Early

Low risk, low readiness 

These regions do not currently face severe risks, but their lack of green jobs and green skills, in addition to an unsupportive political landscape, suggests the need to build the foundations, infrastructure, and partnerships to respond to potential future risks.