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Regional solutions for growing quality green jobs

Assessing Regional Readiness for Action

About the Tool

About the Tool

All regions can take action to grow a thriving green economy with quality green jobs that benefit workers, employers, and everyone who calls the area home. To determine priorities and decide next steps, it’s helpful to identify the challenges and assets that impact risk and readiness for building quality green jobs.  

This tool analyzes county-level data related to economic and climate resilience and categorizes regions as Critical, Primed, Exposed, or Early based on their risk and readiness scores. County-level data can be incorporated into a variety of regional analyses, including those for districts, metropolitan areas, and states.    


For risk, we used data about climate patterns and various social vulnerability factors, such as housing, transportation, employment, and demographics. For readiness, we used data about the strength of the local labor market and the political landscape.  

Risk = climate patterns and social vulnerability
Readiness = local labor market and political landscape

Use the Tool

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How to Use the Nationwide Risk and Readiness Tool 

To learn what each category means for your region, scroll down to About the Categories

To learn what your region should do next, see Recommendations



How to Use the County Details Tool 

To learn more about each characteristic, scroll down to Risk and Readiness Factors Explained.

To learn more about the data used to calculate scores for each factor, see the Our Approach section. 

Tool Analysis

About the Categories 

Through our analysis of risk and readiness factors, we have determined four regional categories: Critical, Primed, Exposed, and Early. Each category has a high or low risk and a high or low readiness assessment based on our data analysis 


High risk, high readiness 

These regions face severe risks in terms of weather and social vulnerability but are relatively well prepared to take action. Communities in these regions may be eager to take significant action to bolster economic and environmental resilience through the continued emergence of green jobs and infrastructure. 


Low risk, high readiness 

These regions face less risk than others, but they are nevertheless relatively well prepared to take action. Communities in these regions may not have as much need to navigate the extreme weather impacts or the deep social vulnerability challenges of a changing climate, but they’ve made significant progress in expanding access to green jobs and have strong political support to continue building an emerging green economy. 


High risk, low readiness

These regions face severe risks and might be unprepared to take action. There’s an urgent need for leaders to work collaboratively to promote environmental and economic resilience 


Low risk, low readiness 

These regions do not currently face severe risks, and the lack of green jobs and green skills in addition to an unsupportive political landscape suggests the need to build the foundations, infrastructure, and partnerships to respond to potential future risks.  

R&R Explained

Risk and Readiness Factors Explained 

Risk Factors 

Risk factors reflect a county’s vulnerability to climate-related challenges and were derived from data focused on climate patterns and social vulnerability. In our analyses, we consolidated data from a variety of sources to define a risk indicator based on these two overarching variables: 

Readiness Factors 

Readiness factors reflect a county’s level of preparedness to address climate-related challenges according to the county’s local labor market and political landscape. In our analyses, we consolidated data from a variety of sources to define a readiness indicator based on these two overarching variables: