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AR for Community Colleges

Self -Assessment

Review our tiered self-assessment tailored for community college administrators seeking planning guidance.

AR Tech on Smartphone

Preliminary Considerations

This self-assessment tool provides an initial benchmark for community college leaders that can help them confidently gauge their institutions preparedness for implementing AR programming. Viewing readiness as a spectrum, JFF has identified six pivotal factors that we recommend community colleges consider before starting to plan for AR programming.

While not all the factors listed below are mandatory for a successful program launch, each one represents important, manageable planning elements, categorized into three tiers: essential for program success, preferred for program success, and of low priority but beneficial. Viewing this checklist in light of your colleges specific circumstances should allow for a nuanced approach, with room for flexibility and prioritization: 


Essential for Program Success

Does your college have experience running short, non-credit programs?


Does your college have at least two staff members or program champions with the interest and capacity to manage the program?


Does your college have instructors with experience delivering courses in one of the fields mentioned below (give preference to those with pilot program experience)?

Preferred for Program Success

Does your college have offerings (credit or non-credit) in graphic design, 3-D modeling, Computer science, Coding, Web development, Computer graphics, UX design, Digital art and animation? 

Does your college offer support services for non-credit learners (career advising, a food pantry, child care, or job placement services? 

Low Priority but Beneficial

Does your college have other XR courses?