Take the Pledge to Show Your Support to Increase Access to Apprenticeship Opportunities for Underrepresented Populations
By taking this pledge, your business is joining a community of local, state, and national employers and labor partners that believe in removing barriers to increase access and opportunity to underrepresented populations in high-quality Registered Apprenticeships. You will gain access to support, promising practices, and tools to assist you in upholding your pledge. To encourage other employers and stakeholders to participate, you may be contacted by JFF to share promising practices in reducing barriers and adopting diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) policies that contribute to the advancement of apprenticeships for all Americans.
I, the undersigned, do pledge on behalf of COMPANY to support a set of principles and practices to ensure that all Americans have the access and opportunity to succeed in the workplace through the proven pathway of Registered Apprenticeships. I pledge to work towards removing barriers that may prevent qualified women, people of color, people with disabilities, workers who live in rural communities, people who identify as LGBTQ+, and individuals who have had contact with the criminal justice system from gaining access to high-quality apprenticeships, training, education, and good jobs and wages.
To fulfill the pledge, your company can take the below actions to achieve the goals of promoting opportunity for all, eliminating barriers to entry into apprenticeship, and providing meaningful opportunities to succeed for people underrepresented in apprenticeship:
Revise Recruitment and Talent Attraction Strategies
- Conduct purposeful and intentional outreach to underrepresented groups in apprenticeship, such as to local workforce boards, community colleges, community-based organizations (CBOs), and minority-serving colleges and universities
- Conduct purposeful and intentional outreach to underrepresented groups in apprenticeship, such as to local workforce boards, community colleges, community-based organizations (CBOs), and minority-serving colleges and universities
Promote Fair and Equitable Hiring Practices
- Engage human resources staff and hiring managers on implementing contemporary DEIA practices and make fair decisions regarding applicants without regard to gender, race, ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation, or background
- Review and revise human resources policies and practices to remove barriers for apprentices
- Reach out to local workforce agencies, community-based organizations, colleges, and others in your community to attract and recruit a wider range of talent
- Lead, join, or host apprenticeship opportunity events within your company or community
- Share promising practices and success stories with other employers
Take Action in Your Local Community
- Start a Registered Apprenticeship program reflecting the demographics of your community
- Provide apprentices, especially those from traditionally underrepresented groups, with access to continued learning, development, and advancement opportunities that support career development and provide for more equitable outcomes for all
- Conduct outreach to and support apprenticeships within local K-12 school districts, community-based organizations, community colleges, workforce boards, minority-serving institutions, and Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Set an Example for Other Businesses
- Promote your commitment to the pledge
- Share and disseminate successes and lessons learned with JFF and DOL to encourage other employers and stakeholders to reduce barriers that contribute to the advancement of apprenticeships for all Americans
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Business Pledge to Advance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) in Registered Apprenticeship?
The Pledge highlights businesses and other workforce development stakeholders committed to supporting diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in Registered Apprenticeship. It is managed by JFF's National Innovation Hub for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Registered Apprenticeship and supported by the U.S. Department of Labor. For more information, download the Pledge Overview.
Why is the Pledge important?
Research shows that apprenticeship can effectively build a skilled workforce and provide good jobs and family-sustaining wages. But apprenticeship has not benefited all workers equally. For example, although women make up nearly half of the U.S. labor force, in 2020 they accounted for just 9.2 percent of all apprentices. JFF believes that recognizing employers and stakeholders committed to creating diverse and equitable Registered Apprenticeships will encourage other employers and stakeholders to do the same.
What happens if our organization doesn’t meet the goals of the Pledge?
The Pledge is a voluntary commitment to support diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility policies and practices in your organization’s apprenticeship efforts. This agreement only commits the signatories to making their best effort to advance DEIA in their Registered Apprenticeship programs.
What benefits are there to signing the Pledge?
After signing the Pledge, you will gain access to tools, resources, and information to help increase diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in your apprenticeship program. You may also be invited to participate in events or to be featured in written materials that highlight promising practices in advancing DEIA practices in Registered Apprenticeship.
How will our logo be used if we choose to include it with our submission?
You may choose to submit your logo and a testimonial as an optional part of your Pledge submission. These assets would be used in efforts to promote the Pledge on the Pledge webpage, on social media, within email campaigns, and within other promotional efforts for the Pledge. Your logo will help showcase your company’s involvement as well as encourage other businesses to participate.
What other organizations have signed the Pledge?
The Pledge has been signed by a wide range of businesses across the United States, such as Ironworkers Local 623 Apprenticeship Program, Apprentix, 3M Logistics, Advocate Aurora Health and the Wistar Institute. It is open to U.S. businesses and organizations of any size that have a Registered Apprenticeship program. The pledge is also open to organizations that support efforts to create inclusive apprenticeship programs such as federal/state apprenticeship agencies, technical/community colleges, foundations, non-profits, K-12 school systems, and workforce boards/centers.
Who in my organization should sign the Pledge?
The Pledge should be signed by the person best suited to receive and respond to JFF’s communications about DEIA. So far, it has been signed by CEOs, COOs, heads of HR, and chief diversity officers.
How long does it take to complete the Pledge form?
The Pledge takes approximately three to five minutes to complete.
Can my organization request an in-person Pledge signing ceremony?
To request this, please send an email to apprenticeshipdeia@jff.org. JFF would be happy to explore how we can recognize and amplify your organization’s commitment to inclusive Registered Apprenticeship programs.
Can we sign if our Registered Apprenticeship status is under review or in process, or if we have just not yet registered for whatever reason?
Yes. The Pledge is open to all employers who have active Registered Apprenticeship programs or are seeking to develop an apprenticeship program that is intentional about diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.
I’m a supporter of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in businesses, but am new to apprenticeship. What do I need to know? Can I sign the Pledge?
Apprenticeship is a workforce training model that combines paid on-the-job learning and formal classroom or online instruction to help a worker master the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed for career success. It is used in many industries to replace an aging but highly skilled and experienced workforce; attract new and diverse talent; upskill current employees; and keep pace with industry advancements. Apprenticeship’s earn-and-learn model provides unparalleled opportunity to a wider range of workers. However, as with all workforce development solutions, programs must embrace diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility practices to ensure all workers as well as employers benefit.
The Pledge is open to employers who currently have or are developing an apprenticeship program. If you are interested in taking the first steps toward developing a program, reach out to us to get connected with expert assistance.
About JFF
JFF is a national nonprofit that drives transformation in the American workforce and education systems. For nearly 40 years, JFF has led the way in designing innovative and scalable solutions that create access to economic advancement for all. www.jff.org
About JFF’s Center for Apprenticeship & Work-Based Learning
In 2017, JFF launched the Center for Apprenticeship & Work-Based Learning (the Center) to spur mainstream adoption of equitable, innovative, and high-quality apprenticeship and work-based learning programs. The Center works to expand apprenticeship and work-based learning programs into new industries and fosters access and success for a broader, more diverse group of workers. We are a trusted advisor to organizations looking to make a meaningful and lasting positive impact in the communities where they live and work.
This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA). The product was created by the recipient and does not necessarily reflect the official position of DOL/ETA. DOL/ETA makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created it.