Joining the 75 Million Network
Join leaders across the country taking meaningful action to achieve a society where millions more people work in quality jobs.
Jobs for the Future (JFF) has set an ambitious North Star goal: By 2033, 75 million people facing systemic barriers to advancement will work in quality jobs. The only way we’ll get there is if the entire learn-to-work ecosystem partners together.
When you join the 75 Million Network, you become one of the stakeholders who will endorse, advance, track, and champion this important goal. Together, we will:
Amplify a shared vision of a workforce that provides advancement opportunity to all
Mobilize the nation to that vision including by advancing relevant policy
Serve populations who face systemic barriers to advancement in the workforce
Measure and generate impact
JFF announced the 75 Million Network at Horizons in 2024, and we are thrilled to now officially invite organizations and teams to join us! We look forward to learning and growing with the network to provide the best value to our partners and to achieve this ambitious goal of 75 million people in quality jobs.

Quality Jobs Commitment
By joining the 75 Million Network, organizations and teams commit to advancing quality jobs by incorporating them as a focus of their work. JFF’s Quality Jobs Framework provides a clear perspective on what constitutes a quality job while recognizing that organizations approach this work from diverse starting points, with unique opportunities, priorities, and challenges. We invite members of the 75 Million Network to advance job quality in ways that align with their specific contexts and to share what that commitment looks like in practice.

JFF’s Quality Jobs Framework outlines how we think about a quality job and serves as a starting place for stakeholders to shape their own definitions and agendas.
The Framework includes elements of a quality job under four categories:

How do we advance quality jobs?
If you are a community college, how does job quality affect which training programs you run?
If you are an employer, how do you define job quality for your early career talent, and what populations are you recruiting into that pipeline?
If you are a community-based organization, how are you choosing which employers to engage with?
If you are an intermediary or local/state government agency, how are you catalyzing conversations at a regional level about what job quality means?
If you are a philanthropic foundation, do you include considerations of job quality as you make investments?

We ask that organizational leaders with decision-making authority complete the sign-up form. After your organization joins the network, you can have as many individuals as you like from your organization sign up to receive member-only updates.

Leaders such as a college dean, a chief human resources officer, a head of a regional office, or a consortium leader may sign up on behalf of their teams, units, departments, or constituents. This option should be used if the whole organization is not yet able to join. This option might also be appropriate for entrepreneurs, start-ups, or individual consultants. Please ensure that you have authority to speak on behalf of your team or body of work prior to signing up.

If you are an individual whose organization or team cannot join now, please subscribe to the 75 Million Network mailing list to follow along with network progress!
Commit: Make a commitment to advancing quality jobs by incorporating it as a focus of the work you do. JFF will publicize your commitment. (You’ll have a chance to do this on the sign-up form.)
Share: Share your story about advancing quality jobs in one of three ways: (JFF will reach out to prompt this.)
- Share your organization’s or team’s impact stories with JFF to be highlighted publicly (e.g., social media, website, events)
- Publicize your impact stories via your own communications channels
- Identify key data points to help the network understand collective momentum
Participate: Engage with the 75 Million Network at a pace that feels right to you:
- Keep up to date with newsletters and offerings
- Participate in group learning sessions
- Connect with and learn from peers
The sign-up form is estimated to take 10 to 15 minutes. You can access a PDF copy of the full form first here. JFF will send a confirmation email approximately 5 to 10 business days after form submission.

- Access to curated content from JFF. You’ll receive targeted resources on quality jobs, impact stories from across the learn-to-work ecosystem, and invitations to Q&A and feedback sessions with JFF experts.
- First up: You’ll receive an invitation to a small, closed-door Q&A session with an author of JFF’s forthcoming AI for Economic Opportunity and Advancement: A Call-to-Action. You’ll also receive an early opportunity to engage with JFF’s Career Navigation Framework, coming this spring.
- First up: You’ll receive an invitation to a small, closed-door Q&A session with an author of JFF’s forthcoming AI for Economic Opportunity and Advancement: A Call-to-Action. You’ll also receive an early opportunity to engage with JFF’s Career Navigation Framework, coming this spring.
- Early access to reports, frameworks/guides, RFPs, and pilot opportunities.
- First up: You’ll receive an exclusive invitation to participate in a Job Quality Solutions Lab for members of the 75 Million Network. Our Job Quality Solutions Labs are opportunities for JFF’s priority audiences to design their own solutions to common job quality challenges through a rapid prototyping exercise.
- Access to curated content from JFF. You’ll receive targeted resources on quality jobs, impact stories from across the learn-to-work ecosystem, and invitations to Q&A and feedback sessions with JFF experts.
- Digital badge to signal your commitment to quality jobs with the 75 Million Network. You’ll receive a digital badge with a toolkit sharing where and how to display the badge to raise the visibility of your organization in the quality jobs movement.
- Special recognition and offers at JFF events, such as our annual Horizons Summit.
- First up: Your organization will receive an invitation to send 2 people to a private networking breakfast hosted at Horizons on June 10-11, 2025.
- Sign-Up Bonus: The first 30 organizations to sign up will receive $500 off of one Horizons registration. (Offer valid through March 28, 2025 and cannot be applied to prior ticket purchases.)
- Opportunities to have your organization’s stories featured by JFF. JFF will be looking to highlight, publicize, and share successful strategies and examples of impact from members of the 75 Million Network.
- Digital badge to signal your commitment to quality jobs with the 75 Million Network. You’ll receive a digital badge with a toolkit sharing where and how to display the badge to raise the visibility of your organization in the quality jobs movement.
- Learning and action on different focus areas. We will host workshops, trainings, and curated conversations and share resources on topics related to job quality. Participants will walk away with tangible tools and optional ways to engage further on the topic.
- First up: We will kick off our first year with three focus areas that are timely and applicable across all the stakeholder groups in JFF’s ecosystem: Policy, Data and Impact, and Skills. Members of the 75 Million Network will receive exclusive invitations to participate in sessions and work together related to these topics.
- First up: We will kick off our first year with three focus areas that are timely and applicable across all the stakeholder groups in JFF’s ecosystem: Policy, Data and Impact, and Skills. Members of the 75 Million Network will receive exclusive invitations to participate in sessions and work together related to these topics.
- Connections and facilitated introductions with peers in the 75 Million Network. We will prioritize multiple opportunities for members of the 75 Million Network to meet people who can help them achieve their goals.
- First up: In addition to offering space for connections through programming, such as the private breakfast at Horizons and sessions on our focus areas, JFF will help make connections between members who tell us they are interested in similar topics.
- Learning and action on different focus areas. We will host workshops, trainings, and curated conversations and share resources on topics related to job quality. Participants will walk away with tangible tools and optional ways to engage further on the topic.
I'm Ready to Join!
Join NowFAQs for Sign-Up Form
The following FAQs will be helpful to you in completing the sign-up form.
What are examples of what committing to quality jobs looks like?
- We [at education/training provider ABC] commit to training 500 people in the next 3 years with a criminal record, for jobs that meet the standard of quality in my community.
- We [at private employer XYZ] commit to evaluating the elements of our frontline jobs against JFF’s Quality Jobs Framework and taking action to improve two elements by 2029.
- We [at intermediary 123] commit to elevating the issue of job quality in our publications, events, and member engagements at least 5 specific times in the next 2 years.
- We [at education/training provider ABC] commit to training 500 people in the next 3 years with a criminal record, for jobs that meet the standard of quality in my community.
What are examples of actions under each driver of quality jobs?
- Create quality jobs.
- You’re a private sector employer and prioritize competitive pay for frontline workers or you’re supporting economic development efforts in your community that prioritize quality jobs.
- You’re a private sector employer and prioritize competitive pay for frontline workers or you’re supporting economic development efforts in your community that prioritize quality jobs.
- Prepare people for quality jobs
- You’re a boot camp or postsecondary education institution preparing people for in-demand jobs that offer strong advancement pathways.
- You’re a boot camp or postsecondary education institution preparing people for in-demand jobs that offer strong advancement pathways.
- Help people obtain quality jobs
- You’re a community-based organization that works with young people ages 16-24 to connect them with jobs that have upward mobility, or you’re a tech platform that assesses individual’s strengths and interests and connects them with possible job opportunities.
- You’re a community-based organization that works with young people ages 16-24 to connect them with jobs that have upward mobility, or you’re a tech platform that assesses individual’s strengths and interests and connects them with possible job opportunities.
- Mobilize the nation around this vision and spur changemakers to action.
- You’re a policy and advocacy organization that builds coalitions to support paid parental leave, or you’re a funder who convenes their grantees around issues of inclusive hiring pipelines.
- Create quality jobs.
What are examples of what might count as the number of people my organization or team is supporting to be in quality jobs?
- The number of people your organization or team served who engaged in or completed skills-based learning to prepare for a quality job.
- The number of people who engaged in or completed apprenticeship or work-based learning to prepare for a quality job.
- The number of people hired into a quality job or job with some quality job features.
- The number of people your organization or team served who engaged in or completed skills-based learning to prepare for a quality job.
Do you anticipate declining organizations or teams?
- No! We anticipate accepting the majority of organizations and teams who express interest in signing up. We will seek an overall commitment to focus on job quality to join the 75 Million Network. Once an organization or leader submits the form to join, JFF will send a confirmation email or any additional questions in approximately 5 to 10 business days.